Friday, April 10, 2009

No more labs!

I'm finished with all 3 of my practicals! My last one was anatomy, which was on the GI system, abdominal cavity, and pelvic/perineum regions. It really wasn't that bad. I didn't know every answer, but it was a pretty fair, and for the most part, easy practical. Thank God I'm finished with anatomy forever. I like anatomy, but I just don't like being in that formaldehyde-infused lab. Studying the cadavers can be fun and interesting at times, but it gets pretty frustrating when the bodies end up getting all torn up and moldy.

My neuroscience practical was also yesterday. It wasn't easy, but not too bad either. I personally loved neuro and wish I could have dedicated more time to studying it, but I still have less than 2 weeks to learn (and re-learn) as much as I can. I definitely want to do an elective rotation in neurology when the time comes, so there will be PLENTY more neuro to learn further down the road.

My histology practical was also today. I really don't like histology, and looking at histological slides is even worse and more boring. Tissue slides are not interesting AT ALL.

I thought I'd just post this picture up for fun. Head/neck anatomy was probably one of the most frustrating parts of med school so far, and I'm glad I never have to go back to that again (as long as I pass this semester).

Since my practicals are over, I decided I should take a break tonight and not study. I think I'll just take the time to plan out my vacation in Chicago and NY. I have to plan where I'm going to eat! I'll post a rough plan when I figure things out more. Gabe and I will definitely have a fun-filled 4-day date while I'm in NY, so we want to make the most of it. Also, as you probably know, there's a Pacquiao fight on May 2nd. Since that's the weekend I'm in NY, I want to have a get together that night to hopefully watch the fight at a bar. If you know a place that will be showing it, then please let me know! If I can't find a place, then hopefully everyone is willing to meet up with me after the fight. I just want to see everyone since it's been far too long!

Break time, then study time begins again tomorrow morning...

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