Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Back on the Island

I've been back on the island since Sunday night, and thankfully, it wasn't as much of a rough start as the beginning of 2nd semester when I had a migraine the entire week and had to do a lot of catching up. So far, we've had 8 hours of lectures everyday. I haven't been able to get myself to wake up early enough for 8am classes, so I've just been watching the lectures online - most of them in 1.5x or doublespeed, which is amazing. Hopefully, by this weekend, I can get into real study mode. This semester is going to be tough with a whole new set of classes and busier schedules.

At least it will be more interesting though. Pathology looks like it'll be really interesting. I know I'm going to hate pharmacology though because I'm just not good at stuff like that. It's nice to see that material learned in 1st semester is already coming back to us and being applied in a more clinical manner. 2nd year is when we start learning more clinical things like talking to patients, physical exams, and things like that. Next Monday, I get to go to the community clinic in the morning. I'm pretty excited. Plus, I get to dress in professional clothing, even with my white coat! I know most of you would love to wear flip flops, shorts, and tshirts everyday like we all do here in the Caribbean, but it's nice to be able to wear something nice for a change.

In other news, my Filipino guy friends and I decided to restart the Filipino club here at Ross. I didn't think I'd be into the whole thing because I thought I was so over it after NYU, but I've realized how important it is to have a positive social circle here at Ross. The clubs in med school are not taken half as seriously as clubs in undergrad, especially NYU. In fact, it's almost kind of BS here compared to undergrad. The clubs here are really just a way to get involved in the community, whether it be medically-related or just socially, but it's not very time-consuming whatsoever. I guess it's because we're all in med school, and we all know that studying comes first and foremost.

Time for American Idol Top 3 :)

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