Thursday, December 4, 2008

Goodbye, Jerry

My histology and anatomy practicals are over! Histology didn't go as smoothly as I expected, but I'm pretty sure I didn't fail it or anything. It's only worth 8% anyways. Fortunately, my anatomy practical went way better than I expected. I didn't do well on the first one, so I really studied my ass off for this second practical, especially since we all expected it to be way harder than the first. I'm fairly positive I got an A on it, but I don't want to be too sure until I get my grade back.

With that said, I'd like to bid my cadaver farewell. His name is Jerry because he had "Jerry" tattooed on his right arm. Whether that's really his name or not, we don't know. But I certainly learned A LOT from that guy. I treated him with respect, as if he were my first patient, and I sprayed him down with formaldehyde so much like you wouldn't believe. Unfortunately, other people did not take care of his body quite as well because he eventually became the smelliest and moldiest body in the cadaver lab that no one wanted to touch him during these last few weeks prior to our practical.

In any case, I bid farewell to Jerry and thank him for teaching me a lot this semester.

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