Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Grange

Carnivale is a really big deal here in Dominica. As much as I wanted to partake in the festivities during this past three day weekend, I wouldn't allow myself to since I had already spent the entire Saturday on a snorkeling trip. However, I did sign up to volunteer at an old folks home, The Grange, through the Physicians for Human Rights club. We sponsored a little Carnivale party with music and food for the old folks who really don't have family or anyone to visit them anymore. All they have is each other in this VERY rundown nursing home of sorts. It's underdeveloped that they may as well be camping because their building isn't fully enclosed.

I was a bit shocked the poor conditions of The Grange, however the residents were all so nice. I particularly became fond of George, an old man with amputated legs. He was a sweetheart and a joy to play Dominos with. Supposedly, he's the king of Dominos and has only lost to one person before. Well, I beat him in our first game, and that was my first time ever playing Dominos. It must have been luck.

It felt really good to entertain the old folks at this home, and I definitely want to volunteer there again.

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