Saturday, January 17, 2009

One week down

Week 1 of Semester 2 is over. It was kind of a rough week. Lots of headaches. No motivation. And well, I tripped and fell on the stairs the other day. It was pretty embarrassing. I honestly don't even know how that happened.

I've just felt so lazy this week. I'm glad it was a light week in terms of classes, but I feel like I should be using my time to really master this week's work and possibly get ahead because I know it's going to be a really difficult semester. Instead, I've been watching a lot of tv (CNN in particular) and browsing Etsy.

I've taken a liking towards 1ofmykind jewelry. I really love the antique look in this designer's jewelry. I particularly like this necklace:

I LOVE amethyst even though my birthstone is ruby. Amethyst symbolizes healing, calming, and protective nature, which seems a bit appropriate for me. However, I'm not sure if I want a chain as short as 15" and pendant as big as 2". Anyways, I think it's a beautiful is all of this designer's jewelry.

1 comment:

Emily said...

i love the jewelry, and it's affordable. hmmm i'm definitely going to check it out...