Thursday, September 4, 2008

More orientation week

This is the view from Ross University's campus. It's quite beautiful. But other than that, the campus is ugly minus the insides. However, I can't expect any more than what they give for a third world country.

Aside from boring and sometimes useless orientation lectures, I honestly haven't been doing anything else except get adjusted to living here. It's a good thing I talked to people who've been here, so I knew what to expect. I think if I hadn't done that, I'd be pretty unhappy here. One thing that I do like here though is that the locals are really nice. It's custom to say hello to everyone you walk by, and that's something that I have to get used. You just don't do that in NY. Not only are there too many people there, but it's an unfriendly city. I've been good about saying hi to everyone here, or at least the locals.

But of course there are things that I don't like that I have to get used to. First of all, the weather here really sucks. Yeah, I'm in the Caribbean, and I shouldn't be saying things like that, but really, the weather is pretty awful. It's so hot and RIDICULOUSLY humid. 3 minutes of walking can get me profusely sweating. It also rains pretty much everyday, but only for 10-15 minutes or so. We did have a mild tropical storm a couple of days ago when it rained for about 2 hours. That resulted in brown water for about a day, which was not cool. It's a good thing I had enough water in my fridge to brush my teeth with.

Also, there are these tiny flies that come SWARMING after it rains - like a serious mass exodus of these flies that come swarming to the light. After maybe 30 minutes, they all of a sudden commit suicide and drop dead. It's really bizarre. It turns out there's a tiny gap between the door of my balcony and the ground, so all of a sudden, there were a million tiny flies entering my apt. After that, we taped the gap, left my apt, battled the even more tiny flies by my front door, and ran to get some bug killer spray. But by the time we got back, they had all dropped dead. I just use packing tape to pick up the tiny dead flies. It actually works really well.

Overall, I think I'm getting used to all the annoying island things. Strangely enough, the heat is the one I'm having the most difficulty with. It's just so brutally humid. I'm sure I'll be complain more the day I get caught in the rain. Hopefully, I'll grow to like this island though. There's nothing to do around here, so it's actually quite conducive for studying which is exactly what I need.


Anonymous said...

AWWWWW poboy. i'm sure the island will grow on you (hopefully). So when can me and ur hv visit?

michmondo said...

I know how you feel about the humidity - I'm from Houston! It really makes a difference. But hey, you'll survive, and it's not like you'll be sitting outside studying next to the cows, anyway. :)