Friday, August 29, 2008

Trying to get ready, get set, and go

Ever since I officially decided to go to Ross University School of Medicine, I've been meaning to start up a personal blog that would primarily be focused on my journey through medical school and moving to a rural island in the Caribbean. Tomorrow, I'm leaving Chicago for Dominica (with an overnight stop in Puerto Rico), and only now did I set up this blog.

Maybe one day, I'll eventually write about the blood, sweat, and tears I shed prior to the day I got accepted and how I thought I would never ever get in because of my mediocre grades and test scores. But for now, let's just say that I've been enjoying myself and relaxing as much as I possibly can ever since I got accepted into Ross. I enjoyed my last 6 months of freedom in New York, hanging out with all of my friends and eating out as much as my wallet could allow. And in the last 2 months, I've also rediscovered Chicago, my home.

Now I'm almost packed to move to the foreign territory of Dominica. (P.S. It is NOT the Dominican Republic) A city girl is now about to become a rural island girl. It's scary, and sometimes I think I'm not ready for this, but let's see how this all goes.

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