Sunday, May 24, 2009

Yoga --> Release of Endorphins

The photo above shows where I took a yoga class this morning. It's on campus (that's right), and it's funded by the school. I'm so glad I finally got the effort to get myself to a yoga class here. There are so many classes on that beach deck throughout the week, and I've been meaning to do it since 1st semester, but for some reason, only got the real will to do it now. While part of me regrets not starting yoga classes here earlier, I'm glad I finally got myself to do it.

And now I AM ADDICTED. With the combination of full body use, inner core training, and the serene surroundings overlooking the Caribbean Sea, I had a pretty huge release of endorphins after 1.5hrs of yoga. Originally, I had the intention of doing yoga purely for the exercise. I find going to the gym to be torture but have always enjoyed yoga every time I did it. Somehow, today was more rewarding than all the other times I've done yoga. I had an overall sense of happiness and well-being right after today's session. Two of my friends felt the same way. So it looks like this is going to be an on-going thing.

Especially with the rigors of med school in what can sometimes be a frustrating environment, there are certain things here that all of a sudden bring us back down and make us realize that life can be good while in medical school in Dominica afterall. I'm hoping to take this positivity and overall sense of well-being that I get from yoga to "real life" and hopefully become one of the few optimistic medical students left around here.

Here's a link with info about the teacher and class I took. As much as I would love to do this 3 times a week, along with classes taught by another teacher here, I'm going to have to realistically only do it once a week. At least for those two weeks leading up to each exam. Hopefully, I can do it twice a week for the other weeks.

Anyways, yoga was incredibly rewarding in every sense today - emotionally and physically, so hopefully I can keep this up!

1 comment:

vivian said...

that looks AMAZING. i'm lucky if i can roll my ass out of bed for indoors yoga twice a week. i would be way more motivated if i knew i was also going to the beach!