Saturday, March 14, 2009

Back from Hiatus

Wow, I completely abandoned this blog for the last few weeks. I had my 2nd exam of the semester on Monday, and it took intense preparation because I didn't perform as well as I should have on the 1st exam. My hard work paid off because I actually did quite well on Mini 2! Instead of going out last night, I decided to watch some movies that I downloaded back in the beginning of the semester.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, the tale of a man who "grew" younger rather than older, was amazing. While it can be weird and creepy, I thought it was a beautifully executed movie. I even found myself crying several time throughout the movie, and I rarely ever cry during movies.

I somehow managed to gain the attention span and patience to watch a second movie. Milk, the story of Harvey Milk, was also a great movie. I don't think that every girl who loved Brokeback Mountain will feel equally as comfortable with Milk. But in any case, I also loved this movie, and Sean Penn certainly acted the hell out of his character. He deserved that Oscar. James Franco is quite nice to look at too.

So I have FINALLY watched all the movies I downloaded. The only one that didn't impress me so much was Gran Torino. I guess it just wasn't nearly as moving to me as Benjamin Button, Milk, and Slumdog Millionaire.

A little more than one month left to the semester, so I'm in the homestretch now. I just want to go home now!

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