Thursday, December 11, 2008


Mini 3 was today ("3rd midterm"), and it was by far the hardest we've had this semester. Well, it's over, and all I can do at this point is study as hard as I possibly can for my cumulative final. By cumulative, I mean EVERY class and material from the WHOLE semester in one 125 question final. Obviously, there's no way there can be one question for every lecture since we've had way more than 125 lecture hours. We'll see what happens. It's going to be a hard final, but I'm just hoping I pass 1st semester (it's not as easy and simple as you think...).

The final is on Tuesday (4 days from now), then I get to fly off of this island on Wednesday! I'll FINALLY be home on Thursday. Ah, I can't wait.

Interesting article in the NYTimes today: Where Have All the Doctors Gone?. It discusses the issue of primary health care and how there are simply not enough primary care physicians to care for every American. I'm a million percent into the ability for all citizens to have health care insurance, but first, we need more primary care physicians.

Also, I forgot that there's a cupcake place in Chicago run by Chef Gale Gand. They famous for their BACON CUPCAKES. I believe there's a BLT cupcake and a bacon and apple cupcake. See? Bacon and apples! Here's a slightly old review of More Cupcakes in Chicago.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

did you say BACON?!